
Dragons are large, powerful saurian-like creatures.

The races of dragons are:

Chromatic, gemstone, lung, and primordial dragons—known collectively as true dragons—are highly intelligent, wise, cunning, and willful. They are the only creatures that generate their own form of elemental mana and have mastered its use in ways that other species find incomprehensible. True dragons hunger for knowledge and power, and their vast lifespans (they can live for many thousands of years) afford them the opportunity to collect vast sums of both. It is rumored that the most ancient of wyrms can deduce how others will feel, think, and react when faced with events or actions, and they use this knowledge to manipulate circumstances to their advantage.

Chromatic Dragons

Chromatic dragons include any true dragons whose primary distinguishing characteristics are the color of their scales and their breath weapons. While their appearances vary widely, all have wings capable of flight.

The subraces of chromatic dragons are:

Black Dragons

Distinguished by their horns (which wrap around the sides of their head and point forward), a longer body and thinner tail, and a large frill around the upper part of their neck. Black dragons can reach lengths of over forty meters (131.2’). As they mature, their scales lighten in color; ancient black wyrms can appear almost purple. They tend to make their lairs in mountainous or underground caverns near swamps and bogs. Their breath weapon is acid.

Blue Dragons

Distinguished by the single horn that protrudes from their snout; large, frilled ears; and a thick, ridged tail. Blue dragons can reach lengths of over seventy meters (229.7’). Their wings are proportionally larger compared to other dragons. They tend to make their lairs in rock formations in desert terrain and can burrow under the sand to conceal themselves. Their breath weapon is lightning.

Gold Dragons

Distinguished by several large horns that protrude from the sides of their head, two prominent horns that point backward from atop their head, and tentacle-like whiskers that hang from the top and bottom of their jaw, giving them a bearded appearance. Their wings connect to their body from the shoulders to the tip of their tail; when in flight, these wings ripple rather than flap. Gold dragons can reach lengths of over eighty meters (262.5’) . Most devote immense time and energy into their lairs, which are typically located in massive caverns deep within the mountains or underground. They are usually many-roomed and decorated with priceless artwork, statues, and other treasures. Gold dragons often enlist humanoid vassals to construct and maintain their lair. Their breath weapon is a cone of fire and sometimes a weakening gas.

Green Dragons

Distinguished by bony spines joined together by skin in a webbed fashion; these spines protrude from the top of their snout and run the length of their body to about mid-tail. They have blackish green scales that gradually lighten as they age. Green dragons can reach lengths of over sixty meters (196.9’). They tend to make their lairs in cliffside caverns, often near bodies of water. Most are fiercely territorial. Their breath weapon is a cloud of poisonous gas.

Red Dragons

Distinguished by their massive size and wingspan relative to other chromatic dragons—an ancient red wyrm can be upwards of one-hundred meters (328.1’) in length—as well as a pair of swept-back horns atop their head. They tend to make their lairs in mountains, preferring mountains, calderas, and volcanoes. These lairs are often vast and sprawling, with many chambers. Most red dragons are fascinated by treasure, collecting vast hordes of the most valuable coins, precious gemstones, and priceless artifacts. Their breath weapon is a cone of fire.

White Dragons

Distinguished by a streamlined head topped with a swept-back crest made of spines and webbed skin and a dewlap lined with spines under their chin. White dragons can reach lengths of over thirty meters (98.4’). Considered the least intelligent of the chromatic dragons, their intellect and memory still far surpasses those of human-like intelligence. They tend to make many-chambered lairs in arctic habitats, such as atop snowy mountain peaks, glaciers, and icebergs. Most white dragons excel at swimming underwater and are unaffected by freezing temperatures. Their breath weapon is a cone of frost.

Gemstone Dragons

Gemstone dragons are distinguished by their unique scales, which are made of various precious gemstones. Of all the dragons, gemstones dragons are the most varied in appearance; they may have horns of various shapes and sizes, spines and frills webbed by skin, and other draconic features... or they may not. However, they all tend to have the appearance of an archetypical dragon but with prevalent ridges along the tops of their heads, necks, bodies, and tails. Because of their physiology, they are usually found in humid climates, which resemble their native habitat. Almost all are fiercely territorial and enlist humanoid vassals to defend their lairs, treasures, and lands.

The subraces of gemstone dragons are:

Diamond Dragons

Distinguished by their diamond scales, which are a cloudy white but refract light and can appear multicolored. Diamond dragons can reach lengths of over seventy-five meters (246.1’). They tend to make their lairs deep within tropical rainforests and often enlist humanoid vassals to build and defend massive, open-aired castles for them. Their breath weapon is a cone of blinding light.

Emerald Dragons

Distinguished by their emerald scales, which are scintillating in the light and create the illusion that their hide is in constant motion. As they age, these scales take on darker shades of green. Emerald dragons can reach lengths of over sixty-five meters (213.3’). They tend to make their lairs in the tropics, either in inactive volcanoes or on islands. Their breath weapon is a powerful burst of wind.

Sapphire Dragons

Distinguished by their sapphire scales, which are various shades of blue and sparkle in the light. Sapphire dragons can reach lengths of over fifty-five meters (180.5’). They tend to make their lairs in tropical subterranean caverns and claim the land for many miles around it as their own, enlisting hundreds or even thousands of humanoid vassals to patrol and protect it. Their breath weapon is a deafening roar that elicits intense fear, often resulting in panic.

Lung Dragons

Lung dragons are distinguished by their long, serpentine body; mane and other hair that grows in varied places on their body; long whiskers that hang from their upper jaw; a pair of antlers that protrude backward from their brows; and spiny ridges along their backs. They are wingless and fly by innate magical means, and their scales and hair can be of any color. Lung dragons can reach lengths of over twenty-five meters (82’). They tend to make their lairs in caverns near the peaks of remote mountain ranges. Unlike most other true dragons, lung dragons do not have a breath weapon, instead they rely solely on their magical abilities, which vary with each individual wyrm.

Primordial Dragons

Primordial are the largest and most powerful of the true dragons and can be any range of colors. Almost all primordial dragons are able to traverse the planes of existence at will.

The subraces of primordial dragons are:

Chaos Dragons

Distinguished by a plated, armor-like hide covered in horns and spikes. They can be any range of colors and reach lengths of over one-hundred and fifty meters (492.1’). All chaos dragons are driven by a primal urge to undermine and destabilize the natural order of any realm they inhabit; those that are good do so to induce beneficial change, while those that are evil do so simply to sow destruction. They tend to make their lairs in massive caverns within the highest peaks of the tallest mountain ranges. Their breath weapon varies with each individual wyrm.

Guardian Dragons

Distinguished by their oversized wings, bony plates upon their back, and a pair of swept-back horns atop their head. Even among the primordials, guardian dragons are massive and can reach lengths of over two-hundred meters (656.2’). They typically serve as custodians of ley lines: the boundaries that separate the realms and planes of existence from one another. When the boundaries of their realm are firm, they will often enter into what is known as the Sleep of Ages—a deep slumber that can last for many millennia—waking only when the ley lines are threatened. Too large for a conventional lair, these gargantuan wyrms often bury themselves deep within the earth or make their homes at the bottom of a body of water large enough to accommodate them (they are able to hold their breath in perpetuity). Their breath weapon can be any form of elemental magic but typically correlates to the color of their scales.

Elemental Dragons

Elemental dragons are composed primarily of a single element and technically classifiable as elementals. However, they more closely resemble their saurian-like kin. Their appearance, colors, habitats, and breath weapons vary relative to their element or elemental aspect (e.g., fire, lightning, darkness, etc.), and they range in size from as small as a pseudodragon to as large as a chromatic wyrm.


Dragonkin are a draconic race related to true dragons, although their intelligence level varies from human-like to beast-like, and they have significantly shorter lifespans.

The subraces of dragonkin are:

Dragon Turtles

Draconic creatures similar in appearance to turtles. They have a long tail and neck, and some have dragon-like horns upon their heads. A bony crest runs the length of their heads; this crest can be any color of the chromatic dragons. They are covered in coarse scales that are typically hues of brown or green. Some are aquatic and have large, clawed flippers, while those of the tortoise variety have clawed feet adapted for sandy deserts and rocky badlands. Their shells are covered in jagged protrusions; an adult dragon turtle's shell can reach up to 15.2 meters (49.9’) in diameter and is nearly impervious to damage. Consequently, they are highly coveted for use as shields, armor, and other practical uses. Dragon turtles can live for hundreds of years. They have beast-like intelligence and are generally solitary and aggressively territorial. They do not have a breath weapon, instead fighting with their bite, tail, or claws... or simply by trampling their foe.


Draconic creatures with appearances, colors, habitats, and breath weapons similar to their chromatic dragon counterparts, only leaner and much smaller; drakes average roughly 3.8 meters (12.5’) in length and can live for about a century. They have beast-like intelligence and can be trained to serve as flying mounts or pack animals.

Fey Dragons

Small, draconic creatures native to the Fey Plane that are about the size of a domestic cat. They have lustrous scales that refract light and change color depending on the angle of view; a prehensile tail; and wings similar to those of a butterfly. Fey dragons can live many centuries. They are intelligent and usually mischievous in nature. They tend to make their lairs in forests, often in the treetops or inside a tree hollow. Their breath weapon is a cone of soporific gas that leaves those caught in its blast dazed and confused.


Draconic creatures with appearances, colors, habitats, and breath weapons similar to their chromatic dragon counterparts, only with stouter legs and bodies and (as their name suggests) without wings. Landwyrms can range anywhere from 20 to 90 meters (65.6’ to 295.3’) in length and live for over 300 years. They have beast-like intelligence and make their homes in the wilds rather than in lairs. Their coloring is usually adapted for survival in their native habitat.


Draconic creatures with appearances and colors similar to their chromatic dragon counterparts, only leaner and tiny; pseudodragons are about the size (and have the disposition) of a domestic cat and can live for over 60 years. While intelligent, they can only communicate through a series of clicks, trills, and screeches. They tend to make their lairs in temperate climates, particularly forests. They do not have a breath weapon, instead attacking foes with their tiny, razor-sharp teeth and claws. They have been known to form a lifelong bond with others if treated well; as such, they are sometimes found in the companionship of magic-users, bards, and even royalty, among others.


Draconic creatures with appearances similar to true dragons, but with only a pair of hind legs; their wings serve as forelegs. Their hides are rough and covered in scales that are generally darker shades of brown, red, or gray. Wyverns can reach lengths of anywhere from 15 to 30 meters (49.2’ to 98.4’) and live for over 400 years. They have beast-like intelligence and live either in solitude or in groups; in either case, they are aggressively territorial. They typically make their lairs in the lower reaches of mountains or within rock formations in tropical or temperate forests. Their breath weapon is a cone of fire.

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