"By fire."
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"By fire."
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Situated on the rim of a massive caldera in the Great Plains of the Great Lowlands, the city-state of Incaendium, named in honor of the legendary brigade that ended the tyranny of Conqueror Jacek, stands as a testament to sacrifice and resilience.
Incaendium is an elective monarchy headed by a Sultan who has ultimate authority in all matters of governance, including executive, legislative, and judicial affairs. The Torch is responsible for electing the Sultan who, in accordance with the doctrine of Infernum Supremacy, is granted full, supreme, and universal power for life. Under the guidance and direction of the Sultan, the Torch oversees the governance of Incaendium.
Its organization is as follows:
The viziers of the Kanun Infernum are vested with legislative authority.
Executive power rests with the viziers of the Executus Infernum.
The viziers of the Kursusu Infernum oversee judicial matters.
The viziers of the Askeri Infernum are responsible for law enforcement within lncaendium, as well as the readiness of its army.
Foreign relations are entrusted to the viziers of the Secretariat Infernum.
Incaendium's economy is fueled by its rich mineral deposits and geothermal activity, which the efreet harness using their command of the fire element to not only fuel the city-state’s infrastructure, but also its energy production and trade. Blacksmiths and artisans produce deadly weaponry, robust armors, and exquisite ornamental pieces that fetch a high price in markets across Praetoria. Incaendium’s geothermal tradecraft, coupled with its strategic location, forges lucrative trade opportunities, making it an economic powerhouse in the Great Lowlands.
Incaendium mints a variation of the Burnlandish currencies that serve as the primary medium of exchange in the Great Lowlands.
Incaendium’s citizenry is composed primarily of efreet who originally hail from the Molten Mountain on the continent of the Burning Lands.
Almost all of Incaendium’s citizenry worship their patron deity, Mitreyya, Goddess of Might.
Art and architecture in Incaendium are a blend of grandeur and utility, with structures built to harness the area’s geothermal activity. Fire motifs and swirling, flame-like designs are a common theme. Public squares and buildings are an artistic celebration of the city-state’s culture and history, with murals and sculptures celebrating the goddess Mitreyya, the Elemental Plane of Fire, military victories, and other significant events.
Literature and philosophy delve into themes of power, transformation, and the ephemeral nature of existence. They draw heavily on the efreet's ancestral home, the Elemental Plane of Fire. Scholarly works explore the metaphysical aspects of fire, which symbolizes both creation and destruction, while epic tales recount the legendary deeds of past sultans, viziers, and other heroes; the story of the Incaendium Brigade is, of course, a favorite.
Performing arts, especially dance and theater, are vibrant and energetic. They serve as both a communal celebration and a spiritual expression of the efreet’s reverence for Mitreyya. And perhaps nowhere else in Praetoria is the Pyroclasm holiday celebrated so spiritedly, with a massive display of fire magic and pyrotechnics filling the sky while the city-state’s citizenry partake in great feasts, music, dancing, and drinking.
Incaendium cuisine features intense spices and flavors. It is often served too hot for other species and races to enjoy—sometimes literally in flames. Meals are communal affairs, with food shared from large pots and bowls, reinforcing social bonds and harmony.
Sports are more than mere entertainment. They are demonstrations of skill, strength, and strategy, reflecting the efreet's martial culture. Most competitions require mastery of both fire magic and martial prowess, and only those who excel at both are honored as victors.