Fairies and Firebombs
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The rebels may have won against the Redwyrm Dragons at Icewall Bay, but now Rage's flight terrorizes the Broken Lands, laying waste to any who would forsake their loyalty to the Chaos Empire—and demanding tithings in exchange for asylum, regardless of loyalties. Sail to Wilhemdale and put an end to Rage once and for all.
Congratulations. With a little help from your allies and mage wagons, you've restored Faust as Demise Archon of the Dark Eternals. What's more, you now have the army of the Belurocian Empire on your side, as the archfiend Barashkukor casts his lot in with the rebellion rather than risk a revolution.
But in the Broken Lands, the uprising has faltered. The Kingdoms of Lyveria and Thanaloria, New Gobson, the tribes of the Thunderhoof Nation, and all the rest. Rage and his flight of red dragons reduce to ash any who forsake the Chaos Empire.
Sail from New Beluroc to Wilhelmdale. From there, make your way to New Gobson, where the fey goblins of the Gobson Family and the ash goblins of the Gobalano Family are embroiled in a bitter gang war. Seems the crime boss Giovanni Gobson is fed up with playing servile to the Chaos Empire, and he and his brother, Fabino, lead the fight to take back their city from the Gobalanos.
Make it out of New Gobson alive, and you'll have to cross the Blackmoor Basin, which is filled with fey both friend and foe. Here lies the high elven Kingdom of Thanaloria. With any luck, you'll find it still standing and not a smoldering heap of rubble laid to waste by the dragons of Mount Redwyrm.
Convince any high elven survivors to join your quest and lend you their steel, swords, and elvish good looks. Ascend the slopes of Mount Redwyrm and descend into its bowels to face off against Rage, the ancient red dragon who has ruled his domain for untold millenia. If you fail, so too does the rebellion.
No pressure, battle mage.