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"Ah, you ask of splinters, my friend? Now, that's a term that carries the weight of our world. A splinter, you see, is the essence of who we are. It’s the fabric of our allegiances and the root of our conflicts.
"Each splinter is a host unified under a banner, from the grand kingdoms and empires that shape our horizons to the orders and guilds that operate in the shadows or by the light of faith. They are the pulse of our lands, the ties that bind us together, and the schisms that pull us apart.
“You may identify with your neighbors in a humble village, as a citizen of a sprawling city-state, as a soldier in the army of an empire, or with a guild of thieves or order of monks; that's your splinter.
“It's the tales we tell, the songs we sing, the heroes we cheer, and the foes we scorn. It's the common spirit that unites us with our kin and the shared story that stretches through generations.
“So, when someone speaks of a splinter, they speak of more than just a name, a place, or a group of individuals. They speak of history, of identity, of a thousand stories woven into the tapestry of the Splinterlands. And whether we choose to uphold the honor of our own splinter or walk a path alone, it's the splinters that make us who we are and shape our destinies in this world we call home."
A splinter is a group united by a shared culture, identity, or goal.
They thrive in environments marked by strife, where the scramble for resources, influence, or sheer survival takes precedence. Members of a splinter unite to counter the threats looming over their shared ambitions, forging bonds of unity in response to, or in spite of, the turmoil.
However, not all splinters are born of conflict. They can also focus on peaceful endeavors, be they commerce, religion, or other benign shared interests. Still, their circumstances often teem with challenges that must be surmounted.
The Gobson Family and its criminal enterprise
The capital and shires of the Kingdom of Lyveria
The centaur tribes of the Thunderhoof Nation
The sea elven city-state of Alcantari
The city-state of Feranon and its Anenon colonists
The aquatic Kingdom of Mar Toren
The marine gnomes’ totalitarian regime of Pimniq
The Ferexian Empire and its iron-fisted Ministry of Peace
Incaendium, named in honor of the legendary efreet brigade
The cinder elven city-state of Sha’ignas
The serpentine den of Sskah Den
The orcish tribal groups of the Duratuk Nation
The Gloridax Empire and its Dragonsguard
The highlander clans of Gaeltland
The Kingdom of Khymia and its Order of the Silver Shield
The Belurocian Empire under the dictatorship of the Lord of Darkness
The revenants of the Dark Eternals collective
The non-governance of the Drybone Anarchists
The canisan city-state of Canicush
The dark dwarven Kingdom of Duskforge
The eclectic and charitable Republic of Fireboro
The mountain dwarven Kingdom of Grimbardun
The allied city-states that comprise the Mox Confederation
The tortisian tribes of Skegmire
The high elven Kingdom of Thanaloria
The ulund city-state of Ulundin
The Chaos Empire and its Kalamenty System
The Riftwatchers and their seven geographic commands
Numerous minor splinters are scattered across Praetoria. Learn more about them here.