Demifolk are diminutive humanoids.
The races of demifolk are:
Dwarves are known for their broad, muscular builds and a low center of gravity that grants them exceptional balance and stability. They reach adulthood by around 50 years, often living up to 350 years. Their facial features are marked by prominent noses, deep-set eyes, and a strong jawline. Both male and female dwarves grow thick facial hair, which is a source of pride and often elaborately groomed.
Dwarves have an inherent connection to stonework and metalwork, and these skills are passed down through the generations. Their architecture is characterized by its durability and functionality, with stone structures that withstand the test of time.
Dwarven society is typically structured around clans and guilds, each specializing in different aspects such as blacksmithing, mining, and engineering, and loyalty to one's clan is paramount. Dwarven laws are usually built around principles such as of honor, craftsmanship, and tradition. Their communities are tightly knit, with leadership often determined by a combination of lineage and merit.
Dwarves are known for their hardiness and are seldom swayed by harsh environments or physical challenges. Their diets are hearty, favoring meat, root vegetables, and strong ales, which are often produced and consumed in generous quantities. Social gatherings are loud and lively, with storytelling, music, and dance playing integral roles in their culture.
Despite their somewhat gruff exterior and formidable presence, dwarves are typically loyal, trustworthy, and steadfast allies. Most place a high value on the welfare of their community and are prepared to defend their homes and loved ones with fierce determination. In battle, dwarves are renowned for their courage and tenacity, making them formidable warriors and respected opponents.
The subraces of dwarves are:
Dark Dwarves
Dark Dwarves, known for their resilience and mysterious allure, inhabit the sprawling subterranean network of caverns beneath Praetoria known as the Deep. They are shorter and stockier than their surface-dwelling kin, typically standing about 1.1 to 1.4 meters (3.5’ to 4.5’) in height and weighing between 70 to 90 kg (154 to 198 lbs). Their skin tones range from gray to a sooty black. Their hair is usually stark white or pale gray, and their eyes, adapted to the eternal night of the Deep, are shades of silver, black, blue. Dark dwarves have infravision, which enables them to see in the dark.
Dark dwarven societies are typically built around the exploitation of mineral wealth, crafting raw materials into artifacts of incredible durability and beauty. They excel in metallurgy and gem cutting, and their forges and workshops echo with a constant hum of productivity. Their architecture is characterized by grand stone halls that curve and climb through the bedrock, blending functionality with an austere beauty that reflects their pragmatic and proud spirit. They are also the only subrace of dwarves with an innate talent for sorcery.
Dark dwarven clans are usually bound by familial ties, with each specializing in a specific craft or trade essential to the survival and prosperity of the community. Clans are typically meritocratic and based on individual skill and contribution to the clan’s and community’s well-being. Leadership is often comprised of the eldest and most skilled members, who are revered not only for their expertise, but also for their wisdom in navigating the politics, economics, and dangers of the Deep.
The diet of dark dwarves primarily consists of fungi and roots supplemented by cave-dwelling beasts. Meals are often shared communally, reflecting the tight-knit nature of dark dwarven society. Ale and spirits, brewed from underground grains and minerals, are a staple of their diet and feature prominently in their numerous festivals and celebrations.
Despite their somewhat isolated existence, Dark Dwarves are not xenophobic, but they are wary of outsiders. Their trust is hard-earned but, once given, deep and enduring.
Hill Dwarves
Hill dwarves stand 1.2 to 1.4 meters (4’ to 4.5’) tall and weigh 68 to 90 kg (150 to 198 lbs). Their skin tone varies from tan to brown, and their hair, which can be blonde, brown, black, or auburn, is often worn long and braided in intricate patterns that signify their clan affiliations. Their beards are meticulously groomed and similarly styled.
Hill dwarves primarily inhabit the hills of the Western Lowlands and Northwest Lowlands of the Broken Lands, as well as the cities and towns of the Kingdom of Lyveria. Their communities usually thrive on agriculture and animal husbandry, with skills that often rival the traditional dwarven trades of metallurgy and stonecraft. Their homes are typically constructed of stone and wood—low-set dwellings that blend seamlessly into hillsides, often surrounded by sprawling farms and pastures.
Hill Dwarven societies emphasize communal living and the collective welfare of their townships and cities. Their communities are usually governed by a council of elders, although many also place an emphasis on public debate and consensus.
Their diet consists of the crops they cultivate and the livestock they rear, with plenty of ales and meads made from local barley and honey. Meals are often shared at communal gatherings and festivals.
Despite their somewhat insular communities, hill dwarves are known for their hospitality. Most are welcoming to strangers, though they expect all who dwell in their lands, to contribute to the community's welfare.
Mountain Dwarves
Mountain Dwarves are generally stern, gruff, and rugged. They stand 1.2 to 1.4 meters (4’ to 4.5’) tall, with broad shoulders and stout builds, and weigh 70 to 100 kg (154 to 220 lbs). Their skin is often ruddy, and their hair is usually dark, ranging from deep brown to jet black, with thick, luxurious beards and braids.
Mountain dwarves are considered unparalleled in their skills of mining and smithing, transforming raw ores and gems into exquisite jewelry and masterwork arms and armor. Their grand stone fortresses and elaborate underground halls are carved into the heart of Praetoria’s mountains and built to withstand the elements, invaders, and time itself. Their kingdoms are found throughout the Agniavas and Bandarul Range, with the Kingdom of Grimbardun, located in the Central Agniavas, being the largest splinter of mountain dwarves on Praetoria. A significant number also reside in the Republic of Fireboro.
Governance among mountain dwarves is typically feudal, with a strong emphasis on loyalty to clan and king or queen. Leaders are often chosen based on lineage and merit. Their societies are highly structured, with clear roles and responsibilities that ensure each member contributes to the community's welfare. They are warriors by nature and tradition and will fiercely defend against any who would threaten the sanctity of their mountain homes.
Their diet includes a variety of game hunted on mountain slopes, in surrounding forests, and within the mountains themselves. This they supplement with vegetables, grains, and other crops (and livestock) cultivated beneath the earth. Brewing is a revered craft, with ales and stouts forming an essential part of their diet and cultural practices.
Scorch Dwarves
Scorch dwarves stand 1.2 to 1.4 meters (4’ to 4.5’) tall and weigh 70 to 90 kg (154 to 198 lbs). Their skin has a deep, burnished hue—usually dark tan, brown, or reddish—and red or orange eyes. They have a natural affinity for fire magic and are able to conjure it at will, producing flames that engulf or even transform parts of their bodies while remaining untouched and unharmed by the effects. Some scholars have suggested this is due to a shared ancestry with efreet dating back eons.
Indeed, scorch dwarves are highly resistant to heat and thrive in environments that others might find oppressively hot; they primarily inhabit areas around calderas and volcanoes in the Great Plains of the Great Lowlands but are also found in many of the cities and towns of the Ferexian Empire.
Most scorch dwarves prefer diets of meat and vegetables spiced heavily with herbs and peppers—the spicier the better. Their meads and ales tend to be particularly strong, even for dwarves.
Gnomes typically range from 0.9 to 1.1 meters (3’ to 3.5’) tall and weigh between 13.6 to 18.1 kg (30 to 40 lbs). They reach adulthood by around 40 years and can live for over 200 years. Gnomes have a large head, eyes, and ears and a short, stocky torso and legs. Females tend to have rounded noses, while those of males are large and bulbous.
An elderly gnome is often only recognizable by deeper facial wrinkles and graying hair, particularly at the temples.
The subraces of gnomes are:
Deep Gnomes
Deep gnomes inhabit the vast subterranean realm that sprawls beneath the Splinterlands known as the Deep. They are stockier than other gnome races, with skin tones ranging from shades of gray to granite. Their hair is typically white, and their eyes—usually black, purple, or dark gray—grant them infravision, enabling them to see in the pitch darkness of their subterranean homes.
Deep gnomes live in tight-knit communities and typically shun interaction with other races. They possess an innate talent for magic, particularly illusionary magic, which they use in conjunction with physical defenses, traps, and wards to conceal and protect their homes from the many dangers of the Deep.
Marine Gnomes
Most marine gnomes are heavyset, with blue or blue-green skin and hair of various shades. Their eyes are usually a hue of brown, blue, or green.
They primarily inhabit the Wild Northeast—namely, the Northeast Machair and Northeast Coastal Steppes. Their societies and cultures vary greatly, but they tend to value structure, purpose, and community.
Rock Gnomes
Rock gnomes are the most populous of the gnome races and are found across Praetoria. They are more slender than other gnome races, with skin tones ranging from pale to deep brown and eyes of varying colors. Their hair can be shades of blonde, black, brown, or red.
Known for their boundless curiosity, fearless nature, and irrepressible zest for life, rock gnomes are natural explorers. They have an innate sense of direction, and their quick thinking and resourceful nature give them an uncanny ability to avoid danger and escape tricky situations—traits that serve them well in their travels.
Their societies generally lack strict hierarchies, emphasizing equality and mutual support. It is rare for rock gnomes to settle in one place for long, as tales of new sights to see and adventures to be had spark a collective wanderlust, and the entire community will set off in pursuit.
Generally amiable and openhearted (often to a fault), most rock gnomes are nevertheless fiercely loyal and tenacious when the safety of their allies and community is threatened.
Tinder Gnomes
Tinder gnomes are typically lean and muscular, with brown or reddish skin and hair. Their eyes are usually a hue of brown.
They primarily inhabit the Great Lowlands—namely, the Eastern Plateau and Great Plains. Known for their innate talent for fire magic, tinder gnomes are considered the most volatile of the gnome races. They are characterized by short tempers and manic personalities: easily excited, mentally and physically hyperactive, and prone to jump from one passion to another as the whim strikes them. Their societies and households mirror this dynamic and are often described as organized chaos. They tend to value innovation, creativity, and individuality.
Halflings resemble diminutive humans, ranging from 1.1 to 1.37 meters (3.5’ to 4.5’) tall and weighing between 22.7 to 31.8 kg (50 to 70 lbs). They come of age at 33 years and often live for over 130 years, maintaining a youthful appearance well into middle age. They cannot grow facial hair, although sideburns are common. They tend to be slightly plump and are characterized by a thick growth of hair on the tops of their feet, which are comparatively large for their size.
Most halflings have a deep connection to agriculture and pastoral life. They typically live in rolling hills or near peaceful, verdant riverbanks ideal for cultivating the land. Their communities consist of a collection of cozy burrows—often with rounded doors and windows—nestled in hillsides and surrounded by lush gardens and orchards. Halflings value close-knit societal ties, where everyone knows each other, and social gatherings are central to their way of life.
Life for a halfling centers on simple pleasures: good food and drink, hearty laughter, and the company of friends and family. They are generally content and hospitable, with feasts and celebrations that can last well into the night. Although their idyllic lifestyle and unassuming appearance often leads others to underestimate them, halflings are resourceful, quick-witted, and surprisingly agile. They can also be cunning and courageous when necessary, displaying a bravery that belies their small stature.
The subraces of halflings are:
Anumiun Halflings
Anumiun halflings have a warm, brownish to olive complexion and brown or hazel eyes. Their hair color ranges from dark chestnut to black, often worn long and styled simply to complement their practical lifestyle. They have high cheekbones and a gentle curvature to their noses, giving them a striking, resilient appearance.
Anumian halfings are native to the continent of Anumun and primarily reside within the Kingdom of Lyveria.
Khymian Halflings
Khymian halflings have fair, sometimes freckled skin. Their eye color ranges from pale blue to bright green, and their hair, frequently worn long and braided, varies in color from platinum blonde to light brown. They have soft, rounded facial features, with a slight sharpness to the chin that enhances their hardy nature.
Khymian halflings are native to the continent of Khymeria and primarily reside within the Kingdom of Khymia.
Praetorian Halflings
Praetorian halflings have a variety of skin tones, ranging from light to rosy beige. Their hair, typically wavy, can be sandy blonde to rich brown, and their eyes are hues of gray, green, or blue. Their facial features are balanced and symmetrical, with soft lines that make their expressions open and friendly.
Praetorian halflings are found mostly in the Broken Lands' Northwest Lowlands and Western Lowlands, as well as the Republic of Fireboro, although numerous smaller shires and communities are scattered across Praetoria.
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