
Elementals are creatures composed primarily of mana and the elements.

The races of elementals are:


Djinn are shapeshifters able to transform into an elemental form. However, even in humanoid form, they retain some characteristics of the element to which they are aligned, usually via either their hair or skin. In spite of their long lifespans, djinn rarely reproduce, with females typically having no more than one offspring.

The subraces of djinn are:

The singular of each djinn subrace is formed by adding an i suffix (i.e., efreeti, maridi, daoi, janni, khayali, and shaitani).


Efreet are fire djinn native to the Elemental Plane of Fire, typically standing 2 to 2.3 meters (6.5 to 7.5 feet) tall and weighing 140 to 160 kg (308 to 352 lbs). In humanoid form, they are distinguished by their reddish skin and eyes that glow with shades of red or orange, while flames replace the hair upon their head and face. They reach maturity around the age of 50 and can live for over 500 years.

Efreeti culture often values power, with status influenced by physical strength, magical prowess, and intellectual cunning. They primarily inhabit arid or dry-tropical climates with high year-round temperatures. The city-state of Incaendium, located on the rim of a massive caldera in the Great Plains, is the largest splinter of efreet on Praetoria. Many also dwell within the Ferexian Empire, while most others are scattered throughout the Great Lowlands’ Great Plains, Lower Flats, and Wastes of the East.

In addition to the usual fare, efreet can also subsist on certain minerals, and precious metals and gems are considered delicacies that signify wealth and status.


Marid are water djinn native to the Elemental Plane of Water, typically standing 2 to 2.5 meters (6.5 to 8.2 feet) tall and weighing 120 to 180 kg (265 to 396 lbs). In humanoid form, they have bluish or turquoise skin, blue eyes, and hair that ranges in color from dark blue to black. They reach maturity around the age of 60 and can live for over 700 years.

Maridi culture varies widely by splinter, with values that range from harmony and diplomacy to conquest and territorialism. They inhabit the vast oceans and seas that surround Praetoria, often living nomadic lives, although a small population comprises the Kingdom of Mar Toren in the Colossus Ocean, as well.


Dao are earth djinn native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, typically standing 2 to 2.5 meters (6.5 to 8.2 feet) tall and weighing 200 to 250 kg (441 to 551 lbs). In humanoid form, they are robust and solidly built, with skin tones that range from deep brown to various shades of gray. Their eyes can be any color, while their hair is typically a shade of black, brown, or green. They reach maturity around the age of 70 and can live for up to 800 years.

Dao primarily inhabit the wilds of Blackmoor Basin and the Northwest Lowlands in the Broken Lands. Most live solitary lives or in small, sparse communes. Daoi culture is typically grounded in tradition and respect for the earth. They are known for their stoic nature and pragmatism, with informal social structures that focus on the practical aspects of existence and the well-being of their kith and kin.


Jann are life djinn native to the Elemental Plane of Life, typically standing 1.8 to 2.1 meters (5.9 to 6.9 feet) tall and weighing 70 to 90 kg (154 to 198 lbs). In humanoid form, they have a strikingly ethereal appearance, with skin tones that range from white to light brown, complemented by their striking pure-white eyes that radiate a soft, inner light. Their hair is typically a shade of blond, brown, or red. They reach maturity at around 60 years and can live for up to 600 years.

Janni culture is deeply connected to the cycles of life and renewal. They value the balance of nature and strive to live in harmony with the world around them.

Their communities are often hidden, integrated into the environment to minimize their impact on the natural world. These settlements are known for their beauty and sustainability, using living plants and natural structures to create homes that are both functional and aesthetic.

Jann primarily inhabit the Frigid Coasts and Northwest Lowlands of the Pristine Northwest.

They are known for their nurturing nature and wisdom, often serving as healers and guardians of their lands and using their abilities to promote growth and protect against those who would disrupt the natural order. Their social structure is loose, with leaders chosen for their wisdom and ability to connect with the life force that pervades their world.

In interactions with other races, jann are usually kind and open, willing to share their knowledge of the natural world and the life element. However, they are fierce protectors of their homes and will defend their territories and communities with surprising ferocity when necessary, using their mastery over life magic to both heal allies and debilitate foes.


Khayal are death djinn native to the Elemental Plane of Death, standing 1.8 to 2.1 meters (5.9 to 6.9 feet) tall and weighing between 75 to 95 kg (165 to 209 lbs). In humanoid form, they have ghostly pale or ashen skin, and their eyes—including the iris and sclera—are black. Their hair is generally black or shades of purple. They reach maturity at around the age of 60 and can live for several centuries.

Khayali culture is rooted in death—not as an end but as the natural state of being toward which all things inevitably strive. They tend to be somber and foreboding, with a deep understanding of life’s finality and the inevitability of death. Most khayal are naturally adept at channeling necromantic magic, although they abhor undeath and consider revenants to be perversions unable to fulfill the natural cycle. Rather, khayal use their necromancy as custodians of death, either by honoring the dying or deceased or by gifting death to the living; their individual intentions may be good or evil.

They primarily inhabit the Fenmoor Basin and its Bog of Wails in the Shimmering Coasts but are also found extensively throughout the Deep’s upper dark and lower dark. Those khayal who inhabit Praetoria’s surface often live in seclusion and solitude, while hearsay suggests that larger populations inhabit the Deep, although this remains unconfirmed.


Shaitan are dragon djinn, typically standing over 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) tall and weighing in excess of 150 kg (330 lbs). In humanoid form, they are often mistaken for very large drakoshan: they have scaled skin that spans the chromatic spectrum, draconic horns and ridges along their brows and jawline., and vertically slit pupils set in irises of varied colors. They can live up to a millennium.

According to some scriptures, the Brood Mother Yrsiss, Goddess of Sovereignty, breathed her draconic magic into the mana of the Beyond, creating the shaitan. Then, in the same breath, she scattered them across the planes of existence to serve as her emissaries. Other scriptures attribute their creation to Helios, God of Magic. This theological split has forged a deep schism within shaitani culture, affecting everything from governance and worship to wars and alliances, as each faction strives to validate the superiority of their divine patron.

Followers of Yrsiss exhibit a culture steeped in her draconic essence and sovereign rule. Their societies are rigidly hierarchical, valuing power and authority, with a strong emphasis on loyalty and duty. Their fortified communities symbolize their strength, and their rituals, showcasing power and prowess, celebrate their divine and draconic heritage.

In contrast, shaitan aligned with Helios foster a culture centered on arcane knowledge and discovery. Their societies value merit and magical proficiency, and their communities are hubs of scholarly activity, featuring extensive libraries, schools, and laboratories. Their worship practices focus on exploring magical mysteries, reflecting Helios's mastery over all magic.

Shaitan are predominantly found in the Central Fire’s Northern Highlands.

Bestial Elementals

Bestial elementals resemble various subraces of mundane beasts but are native to the outer, upper, and lower planes. As elementals, they are composed of mana and the elements rather than flesh, blood, and bone.

Most have magical powers and animal-like intelligence.

Primal Elementals

Primal elementals are composed of mana and the elements. Most are sentient. They are found in large numbers on the the outer, upper, and lower planes, although they can also spawn from mana and elements found on other planes of existence as well, either through spells of conjuration or other preternatural means. Mana elementals cannot survive on a dissonant plane. They do not require air, sustenance, or sleep.

The subraces of primal elementals are:

Fire elementals are typically composed of fire, although they can also be formed from any exceptionally hot material, such as molten rock.

Water elementals are composed of water and can make themselves indistinguishable from any body of water, making them all but invisible when in a stream, river, lake, sea, etc.

Earth elementals comprise any combination of dirt, stone, minerals, gems, metals, wood, or foliage.

Life elementals are composed of air, light, or even time itself. They can even manifest as the raw embodiment of life.

Death elementals are composed of darkness and shadows. They can also manifest as the negative aspects of time (decay, erosion, aging, etc.) or the raw embodiment of death.

Neutral elementals manifest as neutral mana—raw energy—not aligned with any of the aforementioned elements.

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