
Fiends are creatures native to the lower planes.

The races of fiends are:


Demons are fiends of terrible aspect, marked by grotesque features that reveal their infernal nature. They range from hulking monstrosities to twisted humanoid forms, but all bear some combination of horns, fangs, claws, or corrupted flesh. Their coloration spans the spectrum, and their skin might be anything from leprous flesh to hardened chitin to living flame. Some sport wings of leather or shadow, and most possess inhuman strength.

Demons are immortal unless slain, with no known natural life cycle. Their true age is impossible to determine; they can appear as ancient or youthful. They gather in cruel hierarchies or stake out territories alone. When they interact with other species, it is rarely to mutual benefit; most are driven by a desire to destroy, corrupt, or dominate.

Bestial Fiends

Bestial fiends resemble various subraces of mundane beasts but are native to the lower planes. As fiends, they are marked grotesque features that reveal their infernal nature, whether it be horns, fangs, claws, or corrupted flesh.

Most have magical powers and animal-like intelligence.


Small, winged fiends known for their mischievous and malicious nature.


As their name implies, nightmareborn are manifestations of nightmares and twisted, horrific embodiments of primal fears.


It is rumored that there exists a species of fiends that are neither alive, dead, nor undead. Rather, they are an immortal species that has transcended death. Legend has it that it is through the tainted blood of the nocturni that the vampiric virus first spread.

They are said to be tall, hairless, gaunt, and pale. However, no one is known to have ever seen a nocturni—or no one has seen one and lived to tell the tale.


Reapers are fiends bound to the task of claiming souls of the fallen. They usually appear as skeletal figures draped in dark, tattered robes and are often mistaken for revenants or other forms of undeath. Reapers can be compassionate, cruel, or indifferent. Regardless, they are tireless and relentless in their task.


Shades are incorporeal fiends similar in appearance to specters. However, unlike specters, shades are not a form of undeath for other races but a race unto themselves. They are usually chaotic and malevolent.

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